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Grant Funding

The school’s grant plans are regularly scrutinised by the Governing Body, supported by advice from the EAS (Educational Achievement Service) and monitored by the Local Authority.


Standards Grant

The purpose of this grant is to improve the quality of teaching & learning, address learners’ barriers to learning and improving inclusion, improve leadership and improve the provision for learners and the engagement of learners.


The total allocation of EIG funding for April 2024 - March 2025 is £164,444.


We use this grant towards:

  • Employing six L3 Teaching Assistants to support teaching and learning of Literacy, Language & Communication and Maths & Numeracy across progression Step 1 & 2.

  • Contributing towards L3 Teaching Assistant to support learners needing additional tuition to ensure progress made on  progression Step 2 & 3.

  • Additional hours for L2 Teaching Assistant to support learners in Reception with Progression Step 1.



Pupil Development Grant (PDG)

Schools in Wales are given funding on a 'per pupil' basis specifically to support and ensure comparable progress for all pupils whose parent(s) or carer(s) is in receipt of benefit (previously Free School Meals). Schools have to draw up detailed plans on how they will spend this money and then they have to show the progress that each pupil has made against the spending.


All schools are required to publish the following information on their website about their PDG Funding:

  • The total number of pupils on school roll for September 2023 was 398.

  • The school’s current 'Free School Meal' population is 6%.

  • The school uses PDG funding to support pupils who currently receive benefits or have done so in the past three years, prioritising those with the greatest need.


The total allocation of PDG and Early Years PDG to this school for April 2024 to March 2025 is £31,239.


The school undertakes the following activities in order to support pupils facing the challenges of poverty and deprivation:

  • Employ Higher Level Teaching Assistant as Wellbeing & Pastoral Leader to support FSM pupils - providing teaching intervention and emotional support and to support families.

  • Cost towards 1 x L2 TA working with Reception pupils to support phonics, reading & basic Numeracy skills.


If you think you may be eligible for your child to receive Free School Meals please CLICK HERE for more information.


Professional Learning for Teachers Grant

The purpose of the PL grant is to support the teaching profession to understand, embrace and develop the national programme of curriculum reform.


The total allocation of PL funding for April 2024 - March 2025 is £7,031.


We are using this grant to:

  • fund release time for Professional Learning Leader & Strategic Leadership Team members to work on curriculum development

  • Improve assessment procedures.

  • Identify and deliver staff training.


Additional Learning Needs Reform Grant (ALN)

This grant supports schools in their implementation of the national ALN Reform Programme.


The total allocation of ALN funding for April 2024 - March 2025 is £8,696.


The school undertakes the following activities in order to support pupils:

  • Release time for ALNCo to attend ALN training and ALN cluster meetings.

  • Time to plan staff training and updates on Edukey & school/cluster initiatives.


Welsh Education Grant (WEG)

This grant supports English medium schools in raising standards the Welsh language.


The total allocation of WEG funding for April 2024 - March 2025 is £2,714.


The school undertakes the following activities in order to support pupils:

  • Release time for Welsh leader to undertake planning, monitoring, review and evaluation activities.

  • Professional learning for staff

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