Home – School Agreement
Our Home School Agreement clarifies the expectations and responsibilities of the school, parents and pupils during their time here at The Dell.
We see this Agreement as securing the foundations for a sound learning partnership between home & school from day 1.
Children will never come close to reaching their potential if home and school do not share the same standards and approaches or communicate effectively.
Pupil’s Responsibilities
Pupils will:
try their best to do their best at all times and in all lessons;
treat other children in the way they want other children to treat them;
try to tell an adult in school if they have a problem or worry, even if it is embarrassing or they are nervous about it;
respect other people’s property and feelings;
look after and care about the school building and grounds as well as any equipment they use to play and learn;
take part in making class rules and make sure they keep to them;
be polite to everyone they learn with and work with in school;
keep an eye out for children who need a friend and be kind to others;
try to make everyone around them (including themselves) proud of what they do and achieve;
act sensibly when they are representing the school on visits and trips;
never hit, kick, pinch, punch, bite or hurt anyone.
be kind, be their best and demonstrate our Eight Behaviours each day.
Parental Responsibilities
Parents will:
ensure their child arrives at school on time, physically, mentally & emotionally ready for the day ahead;
support their child to develop and understand (at home) what they have been learning in school;
support their child’s progress in reading by listening to him/her read and reading to him/her on a regular basis;
inform the school about any medical or health issues which may affect their child’s attendance, behaviour or happiness in school;
make sure that their child understands and abides by the school’s rules at all times;
endeavour to attend all parents’ consultation evening to get to know more about their child’s progress in school;
support the school’s uniform policy and ensure that their child has correct and appropriate clothing;
help their child to understand that learning is something that happens everywhere and at any time, not just in school;
make sure that their child understands that physical aggression is never acceptable in school and will be dealt with quickly and decisively.
be kind, be their best and demonstrate our Eight Behaviours each day in all communication with the school.
School’s Responsibilities
We will:
be open and honest about your child’s education, aiming to keep you informed about his/her progress and any concerns we have at an early stage;
treat your child fairly in every situation and context;
employ a range of methods to engage your child and help his/her to learn to the best of their ability;
provide a vibrant, stimulating environment in which your child can learn;
design and teach a curriculum which is interesting, relevant, and enjoyable and meets all legal requirements laid down by the Welsh Government;
endeavour to help your child achieve and hopefully exceed national expectations for children by the time they get to the end of Foundation Phase (Year 2) and Key Stage 2 (Year 6);
be open and welcoming at all times and offer you opportunities to become integral partners in the life of the school;
teach your child the skills he/she needs to be become literate and numerate as well as skilled in all curriculum subject areas;
teach your child the skills he/she needs to resolve issues and conflicts and to live, learn and work with others now and for the rest of his/her lives;
teach your child how to learn more effectively and develop his/her thinking skills;
maintain an ethos whereby parents feel comfortable in raising concerns with their child’s class teacher or other members of staff as appropriate;
provide on-line resources to help your child learn out of school hours.
be kind, be our best and demonstrate our Eight Behaviours each day in all our communications with you.