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Global Projects
We believe that it's so important for our children to understand not just the physical, cultural and social diversity of our world, but also about the contrasts in lifestyles and lived experiences of people, especially children. In particular, we want children to understand the great priviledge, safety and opportunity that their place of birth has afforded them. We do this to encourage compassion, empathy and care for others and to show them that they can make a difference as leaders, decision makers and global citizens in their future.
Through whole school projects, we have learned with the children about different parts of the world and we have introduced them to the United Nations' International Rights of The Child and Global Development Goals and to helped them question the assumption that life and liberty, the way they know it, is a given for everyone on planet Earth.
We know (and we teach the children) that we cannot solve the problems of the world at The Dell, and make life fair for all. But we can make a very real difference to the lives of some. We also know that the leaders, and decision makers of tomorrow are in primary school today and that they will need a clear understanding of global development and sense of justice and compassion.
Some of our project work has been short term, others have seen longer timescales.
Malawi, Africa (Yankho Elementary School)
This project supported the school with aspects of learning and teaching and accomodation. Children raised money to pay the school fees for Ruth and Aisha, two pupils who would otherwise not been able to afford to attend a school near their home. They also raised money to extend classrooms, create glass windows and build a brick toilet block with flushing lavatories as well as a new drinking water well when the previous pit latrine toilet collapsed after a major storm. Finally the YES 1 Million campaign raised a million Kwacha to replace all the pupils' desks and chairs.

For more information CLICK HERE
Children of Chernobyl (Belarus)
This ongoing project sees The Dell welcoming children from an area of Belarus close to the site of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine. Supporting the Monmouthshire charity, we host children visiting Wales for health and dental checks and to experience our culture and heritage every two years. During their visits they have played with children indoors and outside, attended Forest School, joined practical music sessions, watched our Summer Productions, visited Wales' oldest castle next door, been interviewed on The Dell FM and walked across the Severn Bridge. Dell pupils have raised funds to covers some of the cost of bringing the groups of children to the UK.
Chernobyl Children Visit 2017

Chernobyl Children Visit 2019

Welsh music and greetings from our Chernobyl guests on our Dell FM podcast. CLICK HERE to listen

Xiangtan, China (Tanyi Jinxia Primary School)
This limited project saw staff visiting the 1600 primary school in Hunan Province in southern China. While there were no direct pupil to pupil links, Dell pupils got to see what daily routines and learning looks like at a typical large primary school in China.

NEW FOR 23/24
Waterhole for India
Our next project will be to help children understand about the safe drinking water they have access to each day and how clean water is far from guaranteed for everyone and how it is dependent on where they live. The children will devise and lead activities to raise funds to install a complete water bore-hole system for a community in India.

The World! (The Amazing Global Adventures of Dai the Dragon)
Mr King's pet dragon Dai has travelled the world and has got the photos to show the children what each part is like. He travels with children, parents, staff and friends of the school when thery go on holiday or business and he has even got a full page colour feature in a national newspaper and met Bananarama!
He’s not a human who paid for his ticket so he doesn’t create a carbon footprint because he never travels on his own. So far, Dai the Dragon has travelled 644,078 Miles. That’s all the way to the moon and back (& nearly all the way to the moon again) or nearly 26 times around the world at the Equator!

Context for Global Learning
Our projects are guided by both the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG)

Global Citizenship at The Dell
Updates on learning about our amazing and diverse world
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